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Dirk Hejnal

Chief Executive Officer and Chief Sales Officer

Dirk Hejnal is Chief Executive Officer and Chief Sales Officer of Körber Supply Chain. In his role, he leads and directs strategy and operations. This also includes mergers and acquisitions as well as leading market and sales development, service concepts, and leveraging regional synergies. Intrigued by the tasks at hand and the fast-moving dynamics in the supply chain industry, Dirk joined Körber in 2019. Prior to this, he has held several CEO positions with global responsibility in agricultural machinery, meat processing and packaging equipment as well as plant engineering for the beverage industry and filling machines companies. According to him, the supply chain industry will continue to be driven by consumers demands. For this, fully automated and interconnected solutions based on a digitally driven decision-making process will become necessary. He sees artificial intelligence and advanced analytics become an integral part of the technology footprint. He is dedicated to Körber empowering these capabilities for the benefit of businesses and consumers worldwide. Outside of work, he enjoys the outdoors, horses, and motorcycles.

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